Getting the wrong size is a common occurrence when buying shoes. You may like them so much that you don't mind if they're a little too big. Of course, over time, that feeling can become annoying. And you may be wondering, how do you shrink shoes so they fit better? We've got you covered!
How to shrink shoes? Is it possible?
Shrinking shoes is a good idea if you've bought a pair that's a little big or if you want a tighter fit, because every shoe is unique and you have to admit that not all brands fit the same.
The reality is that while it is not possible to shrink shoes significantly, there are some methods that work to slightly adjust them so that they fit more snugly on your foot. So you can get shoes to shrink half a size or even a size in some cases.
Please note that the methods below may not work on all types of materials and should not be used with 'brute force' as this may damage the shoes.
What to do to shrink your shoes? Try this:
Apply heat and humidity to shrink shoes
Heat and humidity have been shown to help shrink some shoe and sneaker materials. However, be aware that this method could be risky and should not be used on genuine leather shoes , as they may become deformed or damaged. You are better off using them on other, polyurethane-type shoes.
How to apply heat and moisture to the shoe? It's very easy. You just need to follow these 3 steps:
- First, fill a plastic bag with water and place it inside the shoes , with the shoes snugly wrapped around the bag.
- Next, place the shoes near a heat source such as a radiator on in winter, a hair dryer or a heater, whatever is closest at hand. Just do this for a few minutes to allow the heat and moisture to penetrate the shoes.
- A few minutes later, while the shoes are still a little damp, put them on your feet so that they adapt to the shape of your foot . If they are shoes that you normally wear with socks or stockings, remember to put them on so that they fit the actual size of your foot. And that's it!
The next time you put them on you should notice that they have shrunk at least half a size , which is always appreciated. It is a trick that works well but we do not recommend using it with leather shoes, because leather is not a friend of heat. What we want is for the shoe to be tighter than before, not for it to give way.
Pour water and adjust the shoes with your hands
Another trick that works well to shrink shoes is to soak them in water. This method works well for shoes made of fabric or canvas, such as sneakers. So if you have some at home and want to try it out, just follow these steps:
- Pour water inside and outside the shoes, without getting them too wet .
- Put the shoes on while they are wet (with socks) and try walking in them to get them to fit your foot.
- If you prefer not to have to try them on and find an alternative option, you can always use a shoe tree that fits your feet to get the desired fit . This way, you can shape the shoe while it dries.
It is another way to reduce the size of your shoes and make them fit better to your foot type, because each person is different and sometimes you need to follow these tricks to get a better fit.
Put a shoe tree in your shoes for days
Shoe trees can help you adjust your shoes a little so that they are more comfortable and less tight, although they do not work miracles. But they do help keep the shape of your shoes and make them fit better.
If you want to try it, you can find them in plastic or wood and in specialist shops. It is important that you follow the instructions to adjust them correctly and try to get good results.
Wear thick socks
This trick doesn't actually shrink your shoe size by half, but it does help you to make your foot bigger and therefore be able to use it. To do this, you can try wearing your shoes with thick socks . Don't hesitate to try it out.
Place a sock or cotton on the tip
If you are too hot to wear thick socks, you can always try a plan B: put some cotton or socks in the toe of the shoe . This way, your foot will not be at the front and you will feel that the shoe fits your foot better. It doesn't work miracles, but it's not bad.
In the case of sandals, add a strap manually
If you have sandals that are a little big, a trick that works well is to sew a new strip that goes from side to side to better fit your foot. This way, they won't move and you won't have that feeling that your foot is slipping out because they are too big.
Go to a shoemaker
If you have some really nice shoes at home that you want to shrink, and if the above tips make you a little worried, our advice is to go to a professional shoemaker .
Shoemakers have the experience and specialized tools to adjust shoes and shrink them as much as possible, since they use professional techniques to achieve the expected results, without compromising your shoes.
And if you need new shoes in your size, take a look at Zapatos Mayka !